Association of the Bohemia, Moravian and Silesian Volunteer Firefighters
First regional search and rescue (SAR) dog unit of Association of the Bohemia, Moravian and Silesian Volunteer Firefighters (ABMSVF) was founded in 2000. Founders had seen the need for field-ready SAR dogs during the rescue missions both locally and internationally - after the earthquakes in Turkey and Taiwan, as well as during missing person searches in Austria and Slovakia. For this reason, the training of dogs and rescue teams as well as testing standards of the ABMSVF are closely focused on the skills applicable for the missions.
SAR team, consisting of dog and its handler, is able to search through various types of terrain, like forests, hayfields, riverbeds, caves, rocks etc. One such team can replace more than ten members of classic grid-and-line search. The dogs also train for rubble search.
The teams of ABMSVF are ready to help anytime, day or night. The dogs do not pursuit specifically on individual´s scent, as in tracking or mantrailing, but collect the human scent from the air and the wind and therefore do not need the individual´s scent article. The teams can be employed immediately regardless of the weather. The dogs are trained to indicate every human scent, no matter if it is a child´s, adult´s or senior´s, or if the person is moving or laying on the ground.
Dog handlers are proficient in first aid, GPS navigation, map reading, radio protocol as well as in the ability to abseil with the dog in harness into difficult-to-reach areas. We cooperate with Police of the Czech Republic and Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.
Contact information
Karolina Moravkova
Foreign Mission Coordinator - Search and Rescue Dog Units
Association of the Bohemia, Moravian and Silesian Volunteer Firefighters
+420 723 762 803